Employee Benefits

If you are reporting Workman's  Compensation Reports use the following link:  Workman's Comp. First Report of Injury Form

Open Enrollment Schedule-August 5th through August 16th 2024

Hello everyone,

This year’s Open Enrollment will be passive, which means if  you do not want make any changes, you do not need to do anything!! If you do want to make

changes you can self-enroll by logging into the EMB website www.TCSD-Benefits.com or use the mobile app, or call the enrollment center at 850-273-

4651 during the Hours of 9am-6pm. This is your once-a-year opportunity to re-enroll or make changes to core benefit plans for Medical, Dental and

Vision coverages in addition to any supplemental coverages. Once the annual enrollment period ends, you will not have any further opportunities to make

changes for the benefit plan year unless you experience a Qualifying Life Event (QLE). Please download the mobile app so that you will be able to check

all your coverages, your beneficiaries, and make sure your contact information is correct including your cell number.

For those of you that do not have computer access, please call the benefits center at 850-273-4651.  In order for you to receive benefits of any kind, you must be enrolled in the EMB System. This includes the free benefits that the school board provides for you.

The purpose of this section of the Taylor County School District's website is to provide a brief description of benefits available to employees. Should you have any questions concerning the benefits described here, please call Shanna Dodimead at 850-838-2500.

Due to the Affordable Health Care Act, some of the information contained within this site may change as the law requires.

The school district offers medical insurance provided by Blue Options, Dental care offered by Florida Blue, Vision care offered by EyeMed and life insurance offered by USABLE. Normally the time to enroll in these benefits is at Open Enrollment each year which is during pre-planning at the beginning of each year. However, extenuating circumstances will allow for employees to add of drop coverage at times. Changes can be made if a "Life Event" occurs. This could be marriage, divorce, changing of spouse's job ect.

All explanations to all plans with be under the links section. Please make sure to visit our Wellness page to get tips on how to stay healthy and fit


If  you have any questions, please contact Shanna Dodimead at 850-838-2500.

Please remember if you have enrolled or are going to enroll any family members in any of the plans, please bring their birth certificates and social security numbers, and your marriage license if you are enrolling your spouse.

Additional Information and Resources

Employees Benefit Guide

State Retirement Planning

As a new employee, you have a choice of two FRS retirement plans: the FRS Investment Plan and the FRS Pension Plan. Each Plan offers important benefits. The FRS Investment Plan may be better for a more mobile works because all contribution go into a portable individual account that you manage. You also qualify for a benefit after 1 year of service. Your benefit depends on how much money you and your employer contribute to you account on how well that money grows over time. You choose how to invest the money in your account.

The Pension Plan is a traditional retirement plan designed for longer-service employees. All contributions go into a single pension trust fund for all Pension Plan members. You qualify for a benefit after 8 years of service. This Plan pays a guaranteed lifetime monthly benefit using a formula based on your service and salary while you are working for an FRS-covered employer.

The Taylor County School District contributes the majority of your FRS retirement plan savings. In addition, a mandatory 3% pretax contriubution is directed from your paycheck into your retirement account, regardless of the plan you choose.

FREE help is available...personalized for you

To learn more about your retirement plan options: Visit MyFRS.com and review the

"New Hire Roadmap"

Call the FRS toll-free: 1-866-446-9377 (TRS 711).

Select Option 1 to speak with an unbiased financial planner about both Plans.

Retirement Planning

It's NOT gong to be your parents' retirement at 65 with a gold watch, a guaranteed pension, and health insurance for life. For many of us, retiring in this new century is a mystery. According to a survey done by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, only 42 percent of Americans have tried to calculate how much they need to save for retirement. The main thing is to quit worrying and start planning, you're facing a retirement that's probably going to be longer than your parents' and will involve more uncertainties. Stop worrying and start figuring. Not only will you come up with the facts to work with, the chances are good you might change the way you save. The survey mentioned above also found that 44 percent of  people who tried to figure out their financial futures end up changing their retirement savings plans.

Because you work for a public school, a 403b is a great way to save for retirement. The 403b plan is an employer-sponsored supplemental retirement savings plan that, similar to a 401k plan, allows employees to contribute on a  pre-tax or  a Roth(after-tax) basis.  A 403b plan can only be sponsored by a public school or a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization.

The following companies offer 403b plans for the school district employees:

AXA Equitable - www.axa.com or call Jean M. Christie @ 229-403-1623 jean.christie@axa-advisors.com

Bencor - www.bencor.com or contact David Adel @386-365-4448 biggator76e@yahoo.com

Horace Mann - www.horacemann.com or contact Wendy Varnum @ 850-769-8030

Plan Members - www.planmember.com/beasom call Jay Easom @352-229-6016 or Toll Free 800-465-7354  beasom@planmembersec.com

Voya - www.voya.com or contact Pat and Elmer Coker @ 850-578-2011


AXA Equitable and 403b Plan

Plan A

Employees who elect not to enroll in the school district's medical plan, will automatically be enrolled in Plan A. This plan includes:

     Life Insurance - $20,000 of term life insurance with Florida Combined Life.

     Vision Insurance - Provided by Eye Med insurance at any approved vision providers in the area.

     Hospital income - $100 for every 24 hours spent in the hospital. You must stay in the hospital for at least 24 hours to receive this benefit.

     Annual Physical - Up to $150 per year for an annual physical. Please bring the bill to Chris Olson at the district office. Please make sure there is a       price on it on the bill.

All of these benefits are provided to you by the Taylor County School Board, at no charge to you.

Because of these benefits, it is very important that every new employee complete the forms provided to you at open enrollment and enroll in the insurance system. Please contact Chris Olson if you have any questions. chris.olson@taylor.k12.fl.us or 850-838-2500 ext.107

Taylor County School District Employee Medical Insurance

Important things to keep in mind as you review your Schedule of Benefits:

  • NetworkBlue is the panel of Providers designated as In-Network for your plan. You should always verify a Provider's participation status prior to receiving Health Care Services. To verify a Provider's specialty or participation status, you may contact the local Florida Blue office in Tallahassee at 850-558-3061, or check out their website at www.floridablue.com. If you receive Covered Services outside the state of Florida from BlueCard participating Providers, payment will be made based on In-Network benefits.
  • References to Deductible are abbreviated as "DED".
  • Your benefits accumulate toward the satisfaction of Deductibles, Out-of-Pocket maximums, and any applicable benefit maximums based on your Benefit Period unless indicated otherwise within the Summary of Benefits.

Summary of Benefits for Plan 05770

The school district provides two different medical plans. The first one is plan 05570 with a $1000.00 deductible and a maxium out of pocket expense of $3,000.00. The second plan, 05901, is considered a high deductible  plan with a $2,000.00 deductible and a maximum out of pocket expense of $6,3000, Please see the document attached for more details.


The School District also offers a High Deductible Plan that has less expensive premiums, but has a higher out of pocket expense. This plan may be good for young people that do not visit the doctors much and don't have chronic health conditions like hypertension or diabetes.

Summary of Plan Benefits 05901

This plan is called the High Deductible plan. It has a higher Deductible, a higher out of pocket expense, but lower monthly premiums. This plan might be appropriate for younger, healthier people. The main difference is the total out of pocket expense on this plan is $6,300 as opposed to $3,000 on the other plan. The co-pays at the doctor's office are the same at $35. If you go to a specialist and this can be anyone that is not a general practioner, it is $75 for this plan, as opposed to $65 for the other. Please click the link for more details.

Taylor County Dental Insurance

Dental Insurance Taylor County School District offers a PPO dental program through Florida Combined Life. Members have the ability to receive services from both an in-network provider or an out-of-network provider. Members are not required to select a primary dental provider to coordinate their care. It is important to remember that members maximize savings when services are performed by an in-network dental provider. Services performed outside the network are based on a “reasonable and customary” fee schedule and member will be subject to balance billing.


Group #: 46073 www.floridablue.com 1.800.352.2583 Download Florida Blue’s mobile app for claims information, to access your ID card, find a doctor, and more! 

The Standard Vision Plan

The TCSD Vision Plan is with The Standard. The Balanced Care Vision II from the Standard features money-saving eye care network of EyeMed Vision Care Customer Service is available to plan participants through Eye-Med's well-trained and helpful service representatives or you can go online to locate the  nearest EyeMed Access Network provider, view plan benefit information and more.


EYEMED Customer Care Center: 866-289-0614

  • Service representative hours: 8 am to 11 pm ET Monday through Saturday, 11 am to 8 pm ET Sunday
  • Interactive Voice Response available 24/7

Locate at EyeMed provider at:  Standard Vision Services

Term Life and Accident Insurance by Florida Combined Life/ USAble

Who Needs life Insurance?

You do - Single or married, buying your first home, or preparing for retirement. Raising children or sending them off to college. No matter where you are in life, insurance should be part of your financial plan.

By purchasing this insurance product through your employer, you benefit from:

Affordable group rates
Convenient payroll deduction
Access to knowledgeable service representatives.


The School District offers employee Basic Life Insurance through USAble Life. Each employee is covered for a flat amount of $20,000 the School District pays the cost of this insurance.

Group #: 50036163 www.usablelife.com custserv@usablelife.com 1.800.370.5856basic life and AD&D.


USAble Life Customer Service: 800.370.5856

Rate Sheets

What other kinds of coverage are offered?

There are several providers that service the Taylor County School District that offer several other kinds of coverage for employees. You can see the Standard products like Short and Long Term Disability, Accident, Hospitalization and Critical Illness in our Employees Benefit Guide

Vallery Insurance deals with Medicare.  A link is provided below with contact information.

Contact Information

Please contact Shanna Dodimead if additional information is needed.


850-838-2500 ext.5106